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Estate Planning
to Prevent Heirs Property.



  • Preventing asset loss by clearing titles so homeowners can participate in rehab loan programs and other revitalization efforts.
  • Counseling clients on how to leave property to their families in a way that prevents the creation of heirs property.
  • Preparing last wills and testament directing how property will be distributed upon their death.
  • Heirs property owners need a last will and testament even if they only own a fractional interest to avoid compounding the problem.
  • Preparing advanced directives for healthcare and financial powers of attorney.

Prevention for Communities

  • Educating community leaders, nonprofits and cooperative extension agents about heirs property and its potential impact on owners and their communities.

  • Educating community leaders, nonprofits and cooperative extension agents about estate planning and how it can prevent heirs property.

  • Positioning communities to apply for and effectively utilize funding for housing programs and disaster recovery and mitigation.

  • Facilitating Estate Planning for community members to ensure that public/private subsidies are not lost.

The Center has executed 215 estate plans and last wills and testaments across 39 counties in the state of Georgia, protecting nearly $23 million in equity.